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Response to where to buy chemicals

from Conrad Hoffman (choffman@rpa.net)
If you don't have a local photo store, both B&H and Freestyle are good. Both have websites where you can check out prices. Do a search for photographic chemicals. You have lots of choices of brands, types, and sizes. Everyone has their favorites. I mix either a liter of XTOL, or a quart of D-76 and use it diluted 1:1. For stop bath some like plain water. I stick with good 'ol Kodak formula SB-1 which is about 29 ml of 28% acetic acid in 600 ml of water. Or buy a bottle of their indicator stop that turns color when it's exhausted. For fixer, I use plain Kodak powdered fixer 1 gallon at a time because it's cheap and works. If the fairly strong smell bothers you, there are various other choices. Note that new shipping regulations add a $17 charge for certain hazardous chemicals, so you might want to avoid those choices. There isn't much variation in pricing for any given product (like D-76), but different products (say, D-76 vs custom made pyro) can vary quite a bit.
(posted 8490 days ago)

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