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Ilford Delta 200

from Ed Hurst (BullMoo@hotmail.com)
Re. an earlier thread about Ilford Delta 200.

It seems that Ilford DID make a trial release of an Ilford Delta 200, I think in South America only. I have also been informed that they have no plans to release this film. I've always felt that a film that offers finer grain than a 400 film, but more speed than a 200 film, would be EXCELLENT. As someone who thinks he'd use this film a lot, I thought I'd see what the general consensus is.

Do you think you'd use such a film? Perhaps you could post your views - I know people from Ilford do look at this forum. If the view is positive, maybe we could influence their decision not to release it! Please respond if you have a view...

(posted 8486 days ago)

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