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Response to The ambigity of "dilution 1:3"

from Michael Feldman (mfeldman@qwest.net)
Martin said: "But when it comes to serious instruction, Kodak has being very precise, for example on Tmax developer bottle " Add one part concentrate to 4 part water ", they don't say dilute 1:4."

That is not entirely accurate. In accordance with the generally accepted PHOTOGRAPHIC use of the term dilution, Kodak uses 1:3 to mean that 1 part solution is mixed with 3 parts water. They clarify it the chart heading, but Kodak does use the generally accepted photographic notation. See the web site: http://www.kodak.com/global/en/professional/support/techPubs/e103cf/e1 03cf.pdf

(posted 8385 days ago)

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