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Response to Learning to develope pictures

from Larry Rudy (ljrgcr@cetlink.net)
You didn't specify whether you were talking about color or b&w, but I'll make the assumption that you are part of the 98% of picture takers that are taking color prints. That said, you will find that if your reason for wanting to print your own pictures is to save money, what you spend on decent equipment and chemicals/paper will cost you far more than what you spend to have many many rolls of color print film developed and printed through your local Wal-Mart/K- Mart. You will also find that the time involved in printing many rolls of film is prohibitive, even after you become experienced at it. However, if you want to have a go at it, plan on spending at least $500 for the basic equipment needed (second-hand). I suggest a book on photography/darkroom from your local library, in lieu of trying to capture this much information in this forum. Most basic books with chapters on home darkrooms will tell you everything you need to get started. In my opinion, personal darkrooms are great for expressive photography, both color and b&w, but generally don't work from an economic perspective.
(posted 8385 days ago)

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