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Acros 100 tidbits

from John Hicks (jbh@magicnet.net)
Lately I've been playing with Fuji Acros 100 a little; here's some tidbits.

I get EI 50 in D-76H 1:1 and EI 64 in other developers (more dilute) for about the same CI; that may be an artifact of using rotary agitation.

D-76H 1:3 gives a dead-straight curve shape.

Ilfosol-S 1:14 gives a rather strong shoulder above zone XI. This may be due to exhaustion but I don't believe it is; HP5+ in the same run gave a normal curve shape. More experience is needed, but that sort of shoulder could be useful. BTW, the Acros 100/Ilfosol-S pictorial "test" neg looks really crisp with fine detail; the best yet.

This run of HP5+ and Acros 100 is my first experience with Ilfosol-S, which I'd never paid any attention to but got to wondering about since it's a PQ/ascorbate developer and may give some of the advantages of Xtol without the disadvantages.

Rodinal 1:100 gives a straight curve shape out to zone XI, where it sweeps _upward_ fairly significantly.

The speeds and curve shapes mentioned resulted from N development; N+ and N- may be quite a bit different, as may results with intermittent agitation.

(posted 8380 days ago)

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