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Response to Controlling HP5+ grain...agitation to blame?

from Tim Brown (brownt@flash.net)
"Well Tim, I guess that all the many many many photographers over the many many many years that have discovered that the manufacturers EI is not always accurate (marketing???) and who constantly strive to sqeeze the most out of the emulsion are all WRONG."

Marcel, you are completely missing the message in my response. Finding that your personal EI is lower than the ISO rating of a film is NOT overexposing, it's finding the correct exposure for YOUR equipment, YOUR developer, YOUR technique.

"And I guess they should stop experimenting..."

Why don't YOU do this experiment: expose a frame the way you normally do, then take the same shot with exposure increased 2 stops (a flat, stationary subject will help negate DOF and shutter speed effect). Make two similar prints. Compare grain and sharpness.
(posted 8380 days ago)

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