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Chromogenic C41 B&W

from David Mason (dave_mason@juno.com)
I'm interested in using C41 process chromogenic B&W film such as Ilford XP2 and Kodak 400CN as a means to quick & dirty immersion in B&W photgraphy. Would like to identify inexpensive labs where I can get reasonable prints. Apparently it boils down to finding a lab that pays attention to detail in general (cleanliness, proper chemicals), then finding an operator who knows how or is willing to learn how to produce decent b&w prints. Probably you can't make blanket statements like "avoid Costco", instead "try the Costco at such and such location & have so-and-so do your prints." I wonder if there are enough folks out there shooting chromogenic B&W films to start a thread on cheap & good photofinishers to cherish and cheap and horrible ones to avoid.
(posted 8378 days ago)

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