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Response to Legal and Trade keep ignoring me!!!

from (bluemoon@mcfc.co.uk)
Geez, most people put too little on here, rarely do you see too much...

Some simple answers: 1. PDS appear to have gone bust (shame). I say this on the basis that they aren't chasing me anymore. 2. RBS commonly use PDS and it appears that they subrogate the debt to their collectors and claim it is out of their hands. I doubt there is a money judgement order against you, and therefore presently you have no reason to pay anything. Provided you keep your replies polite and remain insistent with your questions, they will have to answer them. 3. Re: 'slaughtered for their conduct' quite possibly, but you wouldn't and couldn't base a case around the other parties conduct; the debt is the central matter, no matter how shite the other party are. Even if the judge told them off, he could still find for them, so your best bet remains, repeat remains, insisting on your rights, getting documentation, proving underselling etc etc.

Serve a sarn on everyone asap.

(posted 8298 days ago)

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