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Response to 35mm equals 6x7!

from Henry Ambrose (henry@henryambrose.com)
I've been fighting/loving new Delta 400 since it came out. I've had quite good results and some very bad ones as well. To me it seems much more sensitive to technique than most other films. Its so different from D100 or the old D400. Generally the problems I've had have been with highlights blocking up to densities that are unscannable and unprintable. I've done some experiments with very short times in DDX and Xtol followed by a sodium metaborate bath as a sort of divided developer with some OK results. Also DiXactol in its one and two bath versions. Good in MF but a bit crunchy in 35mm. What seems to work best for me so far is DDX diluted 1+9 (one-to-nine), minimal agitation and development times. This film is really spectacular in MF rated at 400 or 800 using DDX 1+9. Its looking nice in 35mm as well. I think its going to be my standard fast film.
(posted 8430 days ago)

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