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Response to Censorship on this news group

from Bill Mitchell (bmitch@home.com)
Dear Volker, I read your original post before Ed deleted it, and also John's reply. I filed the information away in my FWIW compartment. As my Father would say "Don't get your bowells in an uproar over this." Calm down. Chill out. It's not worth raising your blood pressure over. I enjoy reading your informative and practical posts, please don't make a mountain out of this molehill. This is the Internet -- it isn't perfect, mistakes can and will be made. Some information presented as factual is actually speculation -- who knows which is which. Ed did what he thought was right to defuse a fractious situation -- (no one ever said that being a moderater is easy, and thank you very much Ed for all the work you do). It's not really important.
(posted 8427 days ago)

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