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Rodinal, Rodinal, where for art thou, Rodinal?

from Bruce Tiemann (btiemann@mcleodusa.com)
Although my current preferred developer is Kodak HC-110 (Dil. B) for 120 Agfa APX 100, I've read some great reviews about APX 100 in Agfa Rodinal. I'd love to try some, but I can't find it here in the Midwestern U.S.; local photo dealers aren't interested in ordering it for me (no demand); and big mail-order houses won't ship it to me because it apparently falls under hazardous shipping regulations. Anyone else having this problem? Should I just forget about Rodinal? I know people who can (illegally) buy contriband Cuban cigars via mail order through Canadian connections, yet I can't get a perfectly legal film developer!
(posted 8426 days ago)

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