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Response to Rodinal Stock Solution

from Xavier Colmant (xcolmant@powerir.com)
Similar threads can be found in this newsgroup. The latest one was: Rodinal dilutions. For what it's worth here is my personal experience: When my drum is full of films and I use 1/50 dilution, I get only about 7.5 ml per 35mm roll. When the drum is not full of films (still for 1/50 dilution) I can get the recommended 10ml per film. I never noticed a difference... I generally use 1/50 dilutions with 400 asa films. With slower films, unless the subject was flat, I use dilutions of 1/100. I try never to get under 7.5 ml per film. I so rarely manage to put 10ml per film that I cannot really tell whether there is a difference or not. For 120 roll film, I would be more cautious... Experiment!
(posted 8375 days ago)

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