Yes, if he made that, it's a good player. But there are two things.(posted 8528 days ago)1. With the Cheat Mode, he make only 3M on stage 13. He don't go very far. 2. The hi score made by Essekappa don't use this Cheat Mode (I verify the inp) and he make 18M. And Essekappa is really a Master of Rainbow Islands, I bow down and respect before him :-)
So, in fact, for me, the score of br don't respect the rule of Mame and the Cheat he use don't respect the spirit of the game. I think he must be zeroed. I don't know why it's not zeroed yet, he upload his score in May 2000.
Thanks for your reply, T.T. I don't need the Cheat for playing. I haven't need it for finish the game. I'll find it by myself in playing, but I'll never use it for make a score.
Francois Daniel