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Response to Rodinal Stock Solution

from Olav Kettner (olav.kettner@t-online.de)
Hello Craig,

i put a datasheet from FOMA (czech) and ORWO (former east-germany) on my website ( http://www.bremsenbude.de/rodinal.pdf ). This developers named "Fomadon R 09" and "ORWO R 09", they are exactly Rodinal. In this sheets are times for solution over 1:50 for many b/w-films.I use solution 1:100 and 1:200 with Ilford Pan F and FP4, Agfapan 25 and 100, ORWO NP 15, 20 and 22. The results are great. Here is the URL: http://www.bremsenbude.de/entwicklungszeiten.xls

Greetings from Hamburg/Germany to all b/w-photographers.


(posted 8248 days ago)

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