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Response to A question regarding the forum maintainer's duties.

from Conrad Hoffman (choffman@rpa.net)
I'm sure many people remember the old Photoshopper forum, and we certainly don't want to degenerate to that! Ed does a fine job and has my thanks. I like this board because of the caliber of people who frequent it and the generally good natured responses. I remember the HP5 question and remember thinking hmmm, not really enough info, I'll pass. Many of us forget that it's hard to ask a really good question when you don't know the answer. If the person knew enough to give all the technical data, he'd probably already know the answer and wouldn't have posted. If the question "ages" a bit with no responses, then I might offer some hints and ask for more info. I always fight the urge to be caustic and sarcastic since (in a world-wide community) English might not be the posters first language and their age and background are unknown. It's safer to just be direct.
(posted 8371 days ago)

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