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Response to A question regarding the forum maintainer's duties.

from James Chinn (Jim1341@dellEpro.com)
I want to first thank you for all your efforts maintianing the forum. And I don't think you should change your approach. When i first started reading these forums I spent a great deal of time reading through all the archives because of the gold mine of information there. I have been involved in photography for 17 years and I hope that the context of any question i ask is unique and relevant. However, for many newcomers to photography these forums are the only resource to answer confusing issues. A question that seems painfully obvious to me may be totally bewildering to a beginner. So I think we need to have some patience and do one of three things. First we could answer the question. Second, perhaps the moderator could provide a stock answer explaining the archives. It may seem obvious but newbies may not realize it for the resource it is. Third, instead of being rude, just don't reply to the post.

On another thought, I do find it frustrating when someone will post questions that they should answer themselves through testing and experimentation. If someone asks me what is the best developer to use with a particular film, I tell them to buy different developers and test the film with each one. What is acceptable for me probably is not for many others.

(posted 8276 days ago)

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