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Response to Anybody used Paterson FX-50 yet?

from Sal Santamaura (santamaura@earthlink.net)
Bob, I asked the same question quite some time ago:

"The only trace of Paterson's new ascorbic-based FX-50 here in the US has been brief mention in Photokina reports. A visit to the Jessops site shows current UK retail availability. Has anyone over there tried it, and, if so, would you please share your results? My fantasy has FX-50 as an Xtol equivalent that performs consistently. Hope springs eternal! Thanks in advance.

-- Sal Santamaura (bc_hill@qwestinternet.net), January 05, 2001"

No one ever posted any experiences with the product. I've since "discovered" Ilfosol-S, and find that it reliably provides Xtol-like results.

(posted 8276 days ago)

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