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Response to How do *you* use LF exposure records?

from Doremus Scudder (ScudderLandreth@compuserve.com)
Ken, My exposure record has columns for each zone (0-XI) and lines for four different meter readings/placements. I use a Pentax spot meter, and enter the EV number from the meter in the appropriate box, much as you describe. I find that knowing where the mid-tones will end up is just as important as overall contrast range. My forms also include a small "worksheet" for determining exposure compensation for filters and bellows extension as well as spaces for title, place, date, lens used, exposure (holder) number, film, planned development, development given, film used, film size and, of course, f-stop and shutter speed. I fill out a form for each pair of negs (I usually make two identical shots on different film). The form gets filed in my negative file along with the negative and is my best reference for date and place. Having the information is helpful when problems arise, especially light leaks from defective holders, etc. The forms might be a bit "busy", but one doesn't have to fill them out completely every time. Hope this helps, ;^D)
(posted 8269 days ago)

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