Hello all(posted 8443 days ago)I pose complant against SLA, he disqualified many guys with good scores (me and others). On Jumo First he said I'm not use the rights settings, it's wrong. I use his settings 5 lives and Hardest difficulty. Sla made great scores on his games, but why he want specially MameTG3, version who is difficult to play with paddle or Arcade Stick ? Are they cheating tricks on this version for made great scores ? Many good players don't play with it because they didn't want to play with keyboard to shooting games. And now he disqualify good players. If someone can look at my input file, he seen I'm right, I'm use the right settings. I'm very angry. For that, I don't play on SLA's games finals where I'm qualified (qualify the guy who is after me, SLA). I think they're cheating behind that. Bizarrely SLA made great score on 1 shooting game but where is SLA on others shooting games ? When someone is good to shooting games, he's good on all shooting games, not on only one.
I think Olympiads must be made only on latest version of Mame. If someone want another version, he must explain why. And the reasons must be playing reasons, not tricking reasons. An arcade game must be played with Arcade Stick or paddle, NOT WITH KEYBOARD !!!!
François, rarely angry but I didn't like injustice !!!!