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Help me out. What's your recommendation?

from Don M (Maldos@home.com)
I have a Jobo processor and expose ONLY 35mm HP5+ film. I wish to pick ONE developer and learn all that I can about it while producing excellent quality negs, and while not new to photography, relatively new to B&W film processing. Questions (all for 35 mm film): 1. If 2-bath developers are so great, why don't more people use them? I've used them and they appear OK. Easy, quick, foolproof. 2. Pyro + for Jobo. Worthwile? Is the trouble worth the time? 3. D-76H ( I've got the scales, the chemistry, and the desire to mix my own. Is this the one to learn?

I've also tried XTOL, where it was OK, the dreaded failure has forced me to shy away from this product, also, I've heard that Kodak is no longer producing the 1 litre packs.

One last comment. I don't have a wet darkroom, but rather a DIGITAL darkroom and use Piezography BW for printing. Just thought this might make a differance in your recommendations.

thanks to all who have devoted their time and knowledge. Don

(posted 8273 days ago)

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