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Response to To Francois about Rygar

from BeeJay (mamester@i4free.co.nz)
Ok, having spent the time last night working out what dipswitch settings were what and DQ'ing scores that did not use NORMAL for the difficulty dipswitch setting, I've now finally worked out a way to get your scores back to where they were and have done so.

Sorry to have DQ'd them just around the same time as you were all discussing the fact that Defaults would be considered ok and sorry for any momentary heartache I may have caused any of you.

Now go to it and try to beat the #1 spot since you've all now been beaten.


PS: It's just possible there are more points to be scored by playing on a more difficult setting, but then again points are less significant than distance through this game I believe - although presumably they somehow come into play in the event of a tie should more of you complete the game?!

(posted 8445 days ago)

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