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Response to what chemicals are used in developing film

from holly denise hyatt (denoble@pressenter.com)
I don't have the time nor money to always look up something in a book especially if I have to buy it. Things are difficult for me now and I can't afford to buy a book for a few simple chemistry points so I would of prefered to hear a streight up answer for this question of what chemicals are used to make film. I feel your just dodging the answer because it takes a little bit of writting, if your going to be on a web page say something half way intelligent or eles nothing at all I don't need advertisement advice i just want a simple enough question answered so thanks for leading me into another load of B.S. Hell I thought the internet was to be used to get actual info. instead of some deminished advertisement I'm sure the other person who wrote to you said the same. thanks for nothing i won't try your sight ever again.
(posted 8187 days ago)

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