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Mixed up "old and "new" Delta 400 -- help!

from william carter (wmc@po.cwru.edu)
I mixed up a few rolls of exposed "old" Delta 400 with some "new" Delta 400. They have different developing times (using X-tol) and I can't figure out which are new and which are old. Is there anyway to tell the difference between the two in 120 size? (I know in 35mm, the canisters are different colors, but I didn't see any differences apparent in the 120 rolls). Do you have any other suggestions? Would it make sense to use a different developer where the development times are reasonably close? Or is the only way to really be sure (if no one knows how to tell the old from the new) to develop a clip from each roll (thereby probably ruining at least one shot, but hopefully getting it right for the rest of the roll)? Thanks!
(posted 8282 days ago)

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