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Response to Jobo, TMX, 4 x 5, streaks!

from Jorge Gasteazoro (jorgegm58@prodigy.net.mx)
Mark, what I mean by the rpms too slow is that if you use a Jobo processor, the machine spins the drum at about 75 rpm, with the Unicolor or the Beseler, I guess they are about 30 to 40 rpms, with this slow rotation you get "sheeting" meaning a layer of water that stays almost in the same place. this is why you need the wing flaps, to create a little more turbulence. As to switching the tank I mean to change the rotation by turning around the tank every few minutes. Since you have an Unicolor, if you have a more modern one then it should have intermitent rotation, a few turns clockwise and a few counterclockwise, if it only rotates one way then switch the ends of the drum so that you get some time going counterclockwise and a few clockwise. Hope this helps!
(posted 8323 days ago)

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