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Response to Jobo, TMX, 4 x 5, streaks!

from George Papantoniou (Papanton@hol.gr)
What is really strange with your case Mark, is what you mention about the streaks you have on your sheets being Vertical on the Horizontal shots and vice versa. The sheets are all placed in the same direction in the tank, whether the shots are horizontal or vertical. So, if the streaks are caused by something that happens IN the tank, how comes they are not constantly directed vertically or horizontally ??? Maybe you should look for causes before or after the time the sheets are in the tank. Do you hang your sheets horizontally or vertically, or depending on the orientation of the picture (in order to be able to check your negative image while they are drying) ?? Maybe something happens with your film while loading it (or unloading it) or even while it is in the camera... If the bellows of your camera create some kind of inner light reflection (remember that the lens covers an area much larger than the film) this will be much more evident on the side the sky is, and will always be recorded on the lower side of the film (as it rests in the camera). When you are making a vertical or horizontal shot, the side on which the reflection will appear will switch. The first thing I would do is to check the inside of my bellows. Then, check for light leaks in my camera.
(posted 8229 days ago)

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