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Response to High key forest images

from Dan Smith (shooter@brigham.net)
If you shoot in overcast you can move shadows up a lot, to Zone 6 if you want. Watch the highlights come up in the developer & you can control the negative well. Don't rule out painting shadow areas of the negative with selenium toner to get more density & keep the dark print areas more acceptable. Dense negatives won't hurt here at all. Try a couple by doing 3 or 4 exposures of the same shot, bracketing & then hone in on which works for you and you will be well on the way to fine tuning it to match your vision. If you are using roll film, try a big bracket (making notes both of exposure & which you think at the time will give you which results... helps later when you try to remember as you view the contacts or prints). You might see some surprises this way especially as you shoot both with and without a filter when doing a direct comparison.
(posted 8190 days ago)

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