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Response to A question regarding film , developer and development

from Pete Andrews (p.l.andrews@bham.ac.uk)
Well said Carl!
What goes around, comes around; or, there ain't much new under the sun.
I couldn't agree more that the pursuit of 'the perfect film and developer combo' is like the search for the Holy Grail. If it ever existed, and you found it, how would it improve your life? Marginally, is my guess. And even then, some other malcontent would gainsay that it was the one true Grail.

Another old saw is - "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush", and if the bird in the hand is FP4+ and D-76, and that gives you stunning results, then why go chasing a more exotic species?
Of course, some people will get their kicks from shooting Minox, and getting results that are barely distinguishable from 35mm. Good luck to them; but let's not pretend they're quality freaks. Chuck the Minox and buy something (anything!) larger if you really want quality.

As for high speed film: 3200 is just a number on a box.
Even with the most wishful thinking, the highest speed film available to the general public today has a true rating of about 1200 ISO

(posted 8199 days ago)

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