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Response to A question regarding film , developer and development

from Ed Farmer (photography2k@hotmail.com)
I teach a non-credit HS photography class and recommend TMY to all of my students. A few of the better ones end up shooting some TMX or TMZ. Everything is souped in HC-110 (as supplied by the school) except the TMZ for which I supply TMax developer.

My own work is pretty much limited to Tri-X in PMK and TMZ in TMax. I have been down the road you talk about but, I returned long ago. I really think that many of us have our view f the world skewwed by photo.net. The mix here is heavy with "techies", much heavier than the outside world. This makes us think that everyone's darkroom is stocked with 10 films and 15 developers. I don't think that is the case.

(posted 8196 days ago)

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