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Response to Wiping/drying film

from Christian Harkness (chris.harkness@eudoramail.com)
Armando, I use Photo-Flo with distilled water & run the film between my wet fingers before hanging it up to dry in my studio/darkroom [converted bedroom]. The only time I had dust problems was when I started cleaning/sweeping my studio while film was drying - duhhh! I think you will find that almost everybody has a slightly different technique. So much depends on the person and the environment.


ps. This works for me with all b&w films and I have not had any problems with T-Max 3200. The idea of using a squegee just does not appeal to me. I would be too worried about dust/dirt on the squegee. However, I know it works for a lot of people, and using fingers makes them cringe.

(posted 8280 days ago)

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