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Response to Ascorbic acid/Metol developer query

from Steve Wahl (stevenbwahl@earthlink.net)
I compared Ted Kaufman's chemical quanties and dilutions with Pat Gainer's original article (1+3) and found that Ted's (1A + 1B + 14H20) are twice as dilute. The film I developed with Ted's recommended dilution was a bit underdeveloped, even at 12 minutes @ 70F. I adjusted Ted's two part stock concentrate dilution to distilled water ratio for the working solution to 1A+1B+6H2O and got great results using a Jobo processor at 8-1/2 minutes @ 70F for Delta 400. I like this developer!

Ted mentioned that he recently had a conversation with Pat Gainer, the inventor of this developer, and that Pat said he now replaces the Borax and Sodium Hydroxide (Ted's stock solution B) with Sodium Metaborate (marketed by Kodak as Kodalk). I never did like working with Red Devil lye, so this new twist interests me.

A little Google sniffing and I ran across Chris Patton's web page on modifying Pat's formula to use Sodium Metaborate:


I haven't tried this yet, but here is my paraphrase of Chris' recipe using Ted's Stock A and Stock B solution approach with my own 1:1:6 dilution adjustment:

Vitamin C + Metol + Sodium Metaborate Developer:

Stock A: 1L distilled water 500ml distilled water 16g ascorbic acid 8g ascorbic acid 2.1g metol 1.0g metol

Stock B: 1L distilled water 500ml distilled water 64g sodium metaborate 32g sodium metaborate

To make working solution, mix 1A + 1B + 6H2O (distilled) Use D76 times and temps.

(posted 8221 days ago)

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