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Response to RIP Kodak B&W Films

from Ed Hurst (BullMoo@hotmail.com)
Perhaps by boycotting all b&w products, Kodak will be encouraged to think that if they are to get any b&w revenue at all, they must produce a wide range of b&w films. I don't think it's very likely...

In the end, people must do what they can square with their consciences and principles. If that means boycotting all Kodak products, then so be it.

This is clearly an area where the wishes and needs of the specialist consumers (us!) are at odds with the commercial needs of the supplier (as analysed by themselves). Where that is the case, it is unavoidable that commercial decisions will leave the consumers unhappy. Unless a commercial solution can be devised.

In this kind of situation, people must do what they think is right. Whether they take the line of boycotting on principle, or accepting the position because they believe it is commercially unavoidable, then so be it.

But I don't think there's any value in people rudely taking chunks out of each other, or expressing opinions as indisuptable facts. If we disagree with each other, that does not mean that someone has to be an idiot.

Let's remember that we are all photographers, and that we should all have the same basic interests at heart.

(posted 8136 days ago)

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