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Response to "creamy" skin tones?

from Walter Glover (walterg@netaus.net.au)

In the speed range that you mention i think Tri-X has a reputation for lovely skin tones. I personally prefer Delta 100. For skin-tones I would use either of these emulsions developed in Ilford Perceptol 1+3.

Just $0.20 worth - which in Aussie Dollars isn't worth much I guess.

Jock Sturgess and Irving Penn are the two guys that get creamy skin tones in my estimation and I can't help but feel they might be into Tri-X given the era that Penn was prolific and size that Sturges shoots.

What my question is is this: What does Gabriele Basilico use to get creamy cityscapes?

Walter Glover

(posted 8131 days ago)

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