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Response to XP-2 too contrasty

from Ryuji Suzuki (rsuzuki@rs.cncdsl.com)
Who made the print and how? If you are looking at the print made on regular color paper or maybe b&w paper but machine printed in automated mode, then forget about it. Print it on a decent b&w paper using usual darkroom techniques. It'll be much better. I suggest you try AGFA Multicontrast Premium RC.

XP2 has very fine grained look, but not high resolution. If you were processing your film yourself, you might be much happier with Delta line of films. I find XP2 tends to lower highlight contrast a bit but registers the highlight detail fairly well, you just need to burn in a lot.

Using XP2 at EI 320 and processed normally with C-41 is ok.

(posted 8113 days ago)

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