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Response to Tri-X, HP-5 plus and Delta 400 at EI 1600

from David Carper (david.carper@ilford.com)
Anytime you are 'pushing' a film, you are going to increase the contrast. However, this also does give you an apparent increase in the film speed. MICROPHEN gives a true boost of film speed without the contrast increase (although it is only about 1/3 stop), which makes it ideal for push processing (you will still get some contrast increase). Other developers which will work well for developing these films include ILFOTEC DD-X, T-Max, Xtol, and Accufine. For the ILFORD films, you can find development times for all of these developers in the fact sheets on the web site at: http://www.ilford.com/html/us_english/bw.html

David Carper ILFORD Technical Service

(posted 8209 days ago)

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