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Response to Question re: Rodinal, Ascorbate & T-Max100

from Ryuji Suzuki (rsuzuki@rs.cncdsl.com)
"I decided I could "improve" it lots more by just using D-76H 1:3."

Except nightscapes, I always felt that TMX in D-76 1+3 type formulae and Microphen 1+3 tends to be dull, while I like HP5+ in D-76H 1+1 and ascorbate version even more. Do you think rotary agitation makes any difference given appropriate adjustment is made for processing time? I doubt it has any significant effect with TMX, but I thought you might have some insight here.

Also, you once said PMK is a fad these days. Did you have experience or opinion about pyrocatechin based formulae?

(posted 8087 days ago)

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