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Response to I want to start taking pictures, preferably black and white, where should I start?

from Christian Harkness (chris.harkness@eudoramail.com)
Well, I think if you can possibly manage it, start by taking an intro class/workshop at a college or arts center. Be sure you sign up for a class that gets you into the darkroom, with hands-on experience. While I really like XP-2S and chromogenic films, I think you might be frustrated by getting straight, and often lousy prints, form your local photo finisher. Much of what you see as the beauty of black and white photography, comes from superb printing [enlarging] of the negative. This is something you won't get from the majority of your labs.

If you have to teach yourself I recommend: Well, I think if you can possibly manage it, start by taking an intro class/workshop at a college or arts center. Be sure you sign up for a class that gets you into the darkroom, with hands-on experience. While I really like XP-2S and chromogenic films, I think you might be frustrated by getting straight, and often lousy prints, form your local photo finisher. Much of what you see as the beauty of black and white photography, comes from superb printing [enlarging] of the negative. This is something you won't get from the majority of your labs.

If you have to teach yourself I recommend: Well, I think if you can possibly manage it, start by taking an intro class/workshop at a college or arts center. Be sure you sign up for a class that gets you into the darkroom, with hands-on experience. While I really like XP-2S and chromogenic films, I think you might be frustrated by getting straight, and often lousy prints, form your local photo finisher. Much of what you see as the beauty of black and white photography, comes from superb printing [enlarging] of the negative. This is something you won't get from the majority of your labs.

If you have to teach yourself, I recommend:

Black and White Photography: A Basic Manual -- by Henry Horenstein, Carol Keller (Illustrator); Paperback Price: $17.47 [At amazon]

Computers and inkjet prints are really coming into their own. If you are willing to forgo the traditional darkroom, you can get superb results working with a good imaging program and a good scanner and printer.

Best wishes,


(posted 8093 days ago)

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