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from Ryuji Suzuki (rsuzuki@rs.cncdsl.com)
Q1. What's your favorite formula? Foma FV-11, formulae by Windisch, Muir, or Adams, or Pyrocat-HD, metol version of Pyrocat-HD? Why?

Q2. What films you think work the best with them?

Q3. What kind of experiments did you do (in terms of tweaking the formula), and what did you think about it?

I have played with ideas of using pyrocatechin for my next formula, but because there isn't much much less info on this reductant compared to ascorbic acid, I thought to ask about it here. I already did some search of past articles but there weren't much, and the comments were scattered among a lot of PMK related discussions. I'm interested in minimum non-selective stain, and pyro has been excluded from my developers of choice mainly for this reason.

One particular question -- TMX has a plain gelatin layer to slow down its initial development but does it stain well in pyrocatechin formulae?


(posted 8179 days ago)

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