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Response to Compensating developers and accutance developers

from John Hicks (jhicks31@bellsouth.net)
> if rotary agitation does not shorten processing time

The only factors I came up with are the ones I posted on Ed's website http://unblinkingeye.com/Articles/Rotary/rotary.html . What I learned was that there's no factor that's valid for all films.

Note that the curve shapes for HP5+ in D-76H 1:3 are essentially the same for both intermittent and rotary agitation. One could say that a D-76 type developer doesn't become a compensating developer simply via dilution _presuming sufficient agitation for good evenness_ is given even if it's intermittent.

Since I wrote that article I've worked up a development time for Delta 100 in D-76H 1:3; again the curve shape is virtually identical for both types of agitation.

In working with various "standard" developers and a couple of so-called divided developers I've never come up with signficant differences in curve shape due to intermittent vs. rotary agitation, or, in the case of divided developers, any useful compensation again presuming sufficient agitation in A or B for good evenness.

It's frustrating. I believe I used to get compensating effects with old films in dilute developers but I wasn't plotting curves back then so I don't really _know_ I was; it may have entirely been wishful seeing.

In looking at some of my old curve plots, the only ones that show a really significant difference in curve shape are HP5+ in Rollo Pyro (or PMK+, both for rotary agitation). Generally speaking, there's a really strong shoulder and, depending on dilutions, a greater or lesser divergence between visual and blue-filter readings. I think it'd be fine for 8x10 and I can see why the alt-printers really like it; otoh the negs were really grainy and when printed on VC paper the stain made the lighter tones way too flat.

Anyway, I agree with you; assuming sufficient agitation is given for acceptable evenness, compensation isn't going to happen with a standard-type developer even if it's highly diluted. Acceptable evenness is of course a personal judgment call.

(posted 8330 days ago)

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