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Response to Film/developer testing

from matthew stanton (stantos75@hotmail.com)
d-76 or id-11 diluted @ 1:1 is a good starting point for an overall comparison of the various qualities of these films.

perceptol or microdol-x ( virtually identical ) diluted 1 part developer to 2 parts water can be very good as well. Processing times can be significantly reduced in diluted perceptol by processing at 24 degrees celcius.

apx 100 is a lovely film which works well in either of the above developers. I rate it at 50 iso and pre soak before development for 1 minute.

id-11/ d-76 1:1 @ 20 degrees for 9.5 min

microdol-x/ perceptol 1:2 @ 24 degrees for 11 minutes

these times are for 120 film printed on a diffusion enlarger. 35mm may be a little different. For pushing tri-x to 800 asa i have found tmax developer 1+4 @ 24 degrees to work quite well although i consider tri-x at 400 asa to be " pushing " the film which i normally rate @ 200. T-max developer is also suitable for the tmax 3200 also.

microphen - or dd-x are both a good choice for pushing the ilford 400 @ 3200 delta films as well as hp5 plus.

good luck,

matt stanton

(posted 8072 days ago)

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