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Film/developer testing

from Jonas Vilslev (jonasvilslev@gjk.dk)
After shooting slides almost exclusively for many years I would like to learn B&W photography. During this period I have on occasion used Tri-X developed in Rodinal or T-Max. I would like to make som tests on these films:

Slow speed: Delta 100, FP4+, Pan F

Medium speed: Delta 400, Tri-X, HP5+, Neopan 400

High speed: Neopan 1600, T-Max 3200, Delta 3200

I would like to find a standard developer for these films, any suggestions?

What kind of developer should i use for pushing the medium speed/high speed films 1/2/3 stops?

Do you feel that there are any films that I left out?

Thank you in advance.

(posted 8074 days ago)

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