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Response to Any female MarpMembers

from Joe Ledesma (JoeyL21988@yahoo.com)
Yea, it's an old thread alright. It's actually too bad that there aren't more girl gamers; especially since there are more girls in the world than guys, which would in turn bring more people on the gaming scene. I don't believe MARP has any female members that have submitted frequently, or even recently. I think females are just as capable to do what men can do on games.

Even though you aren't interested in submitting to MARP, if you ever get interested, just drop by to marp.retrogames.com and see whats up. Or even visit our newer forums amd a post a message in the General forum sometime; forums.marpirc.net , I'm sure more people would be interested in talking there. :)

(posted 8183 days ago)

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