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Response to Underselling?

from David (stitsevol@aol.com)
I always love it when people resort to name calling, you can imagine them sitting at the keyboard smoke coming out of their ears.It's just a shame that they carry on that way when there really is no need and it serves no useful purpose.I for one do not wring my hands or whine but I also do not intend to pay any of the money that the mortgage company have been asking for as I do not owe it, you would do well to look at people as individuals instead of tarring them all with the same brush.If you buy property and make money out of it good luck to you,but to call every person who has fallen on hard times and lost their home names is so insensative and not very bright.Actually I do very well indeed[ and the mortgage company cant touch a penny] I holiday abroad several times a year[ in my own place,of course]I have a massive house and enjoy life to the full.Just as an example of what can happen. A friend some time ago got in a state because his son overdosed on drugs and died, he had a nervous breakdown then lost his job also his house as he could not pay the mortgage. Now you know what the question is, was he a whinger? or just some poor unfortunate soul who had some bad luck? if your answer is the former then that speaks volumes. David. PS There but for the grace of God go I. We all would do well to remember these words!
(posted 7929 days ago)

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