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Response to National Home Loans $!!**! Part 2

from One Angry Mother (madcow678@hotmail.com)
Hi Heather,

I have to say "Sorry", as I am the one that suggested you speak to your MP!. My own MP has been marvellous. He is Brian White Milton Keynes North (Labour - not that has any weight on my political bearing).

I wrote to him telling him how the Halifax were a bunch of thieves, making mine and other peoples lives a misery because they didn't do things properly back in the 80's/90's. They were taking money through not so honest means, and were unwilling to explain how the alleged debt had come about and where they got their 'facts and figures' from.

He wrote to them on my behalf (I think he enclosed my letter to him, which was none too polite to the Halifax) and asked them to explain what they thought they were doing. Needless to say, they used the Data Protection Act as a reason to not reply to him.

I have copied him on all paperwork sent and received about the matter and he has even stated that I can go to his 'surgery' to discuss the matter with him personally if I feel I need to. He has given me two telephone numbers and his email address if I want to contact him further.

As my 'debt' with the Halifax has now been settled, they will no longer communicate with me, but Mr White has agreed that I can channel my outstanding questions through his office and he will endeavour to get some answers for me. And as the Halifax have already stated that if he writes to them again, they will answer his questions, I am hopeful they will drop themselves in it big time.

I have to say, he has been great, BUT I have had to do any leg work and he is only a means of transport for want of a better word. He will not actually *DO* anything, I have to do the donkey work and send it *THROUGH* him. I can only suggest that you send me the letters you sent your MP and I will include them with my next letter to Mr White and explain the reason for involving him in a non constituents problem is because you feel your own MP is crap - I would honestly think, though, that he will be unable to get involved, unless it is a joint effort against the lenders in general. Alternatively, you could write back to your MP and remind him that something like 48% of women don't use their democratic right to vote and explain that your vote could make the difference between to him being elected next time. If he wants you to vote for him, it would be nice for you to know that you have used your vote wisely for an MP who feels the lives of shortfall victims are important too, and he is serious enough about his job to change current systems that rip people off!

It may be a good idea to ask what his policies on schools, the National Health Service, Pensions, Old Age Pensioners Homes, the Spanish oil slick, pollution, public transport, re-cycling and anything else you can think of that will make him work for his money! You could also ask if he has a vested interest in any building society/banks lending methods (on second thoughts, might be an idea to save this one 'til later)!

Just had another thought, if your constituent MP is say conservative, then write to the labour MP in your area - labour are in government after all! Write to them all anyway, one of them may take an interest.

Good luck, and if you want me to include you in my MP letters, email me off site at madcow678@hotmail.com


(posted 7826 days ago)

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