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from QRS (qrs@telia.com)
I donīt know if I have the right to make a public vote on a game, but Iīll try :)

I would like to suggest Bombjack beeing set to a 5man only game.

Settings would be TG (or harder)

Why? Because itīs a marathon game on ANY settings as long as you donīt have a 5 men rule.

After playing the deca 2001 I found out that its much more fun, and more of a challange to play the game that way. The recordings will be about 5-10 times shorter and maybe even fun to watch! :)

Anyway I vote for a 5man rule with TG or harder. Please say either "yes" or "no"

ps:If any of you editors have anything against me setting up this vote-post feel free to take over the vote etc.

Otherwise.. let the votes begin!



(posted 8505 days ago)

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