About the Monarch Fans the Gale Forum

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Monarch Fans the Gale : Policy
The Monarch Fans the Gale is a hypertext fiction ©2001 Matthew Ephraim Duncan. THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. All characters are products of the author's imagination, and though they may be similar to real persons, they are not meant to be depictions of any living or dead person. Likewise, the initial audience is not expected to identify with or roleplay any aspects of these characters' lives or personalities. The purpose of this project is manifold: 1) an out of the ordinary holiday gift for my friends 2) a way for the people I know, scattered across the country, to interact with one another 3) an experiment in hypertextual fiction authoring 4) a representation of the writing process as it occurs in a new and evolving environment

How this System Works

This bboard software was written by Philip Greenspun and hosted for free by him started in 1995. Anyone could come in and create a forum and moderate the discussion. Most of the thousands of forums on this server were and are publicly searchable by Google and other Web indices.