About the Respostas Forum

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Respostas : Policy
Para fazer sua pergunta, clique em "Ask a question" (Faga sua pergunta). Havera os seguintes campos:

Your Email Address: Seu enderego de email

Your Full Name: Seu nome completo

Subject Line: Assunto da pergunta

Notify me of Responses: Favor me avisar quando houver resposta

Message (Full Question): Sua pergunta completa

"Submit": Clique nesse botco para enviar a pergunta

E esta feita a sua pergunta!

How this System Works

This bboard software was written by Philip Greenspun and hosted for free by him started in 1995. Anyone could come in and create a forum and moderate the discussion. Most of the thousands of forums on this server were and are publicly searchable by Google and other Web indices.