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-- With over 15,700 questions and 140,000 answers to them in the archives, chances are excellent your question has been asked and answered before. Go back a page and scroll down to the categories. Open those which seem most related to your question and go through the titles. You can do this one-by-one or do a Control and F key at the same time to bring up a key word search box. Please only proceed with a new question if you have gone through this process.

-- You can also find a wealth of information on subjects by using one of several search engines (e.g.,, www/,, and Just search on your key words.

-- If your thread/question concerns either religion or politics, it is strongly recommended it be posted on another forum. Go back a page and click on LUSENET at the top. This will give you a list of the other forums on LUSENET. For religions threads/questions, post against Country Families forum. For political threads/questions, post against Freedom/Self-Reliance forum.

Should you choose to continue, make your thread title as descriptive as possible. For example, rather than saying "Goat Question", perhaps it should be "How Much Exercise do Dairy Goats Need". Choose the category from the drop-down box which best suits your subject. If you are absolutely stumped, use the Misc. category. If your question covers several categories, please break it up into separate questions/threads.

A quirk of the forum is you must double enter/return between paragraphs or between items in a list. Otherwise, it will run it together in a single paragraph. Please remember it is difficult for most people to read extremely long paragraphs.

Sometimes the answers to your questions will depend on where you are located. It is recommended in your name block you include your general geographic location, such as Linda from Middle OK or John in Zone 4.

If you are using a false e-mail address, please click in the right circle to indicate you do not want to have replies forwarded to that address. This makes it easier for everyone involved.

REMEMBER THAT THIS FORUM is provided to further the exchange of information and ideas related to self-reliant country living (homesteading). Note that your question or comment may disappear from this forum for any reason or no reason at all, at the sole discretion of the forum moderator or administrator. If your post contains material of a political, religious, profane, mean spirited or just-plain-silly nature, the chances of it being removed from this forum are good.

Honest to goodness homestead related topics in the spirit of Homesteading are warmly welcome.

Thank you for your interest.

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