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Response to Ilford Delta.

from Joseph O'Neil (joneil@multiboard.com)
I have been using Delta 100 and 400 for some time now. I fyou like the Tmax films, you will like the Delta films. If you dislike Tmax films and perfer "traditional" films such as Tri-x or FP4, then stay away from Delta. Advantages over Tmax - easier to develop, it responds more like other B&W films. The other developing advantage is Tmax seems to give good results only when used witha c ouple of developers - Tmax, D 76 and most recently Xtol. Delta however works well in just aobut anythig form HC110 to Rodinal. Disadvantges? - Slower film speed. I have seen lots of debate over this topic, but you should rate Delta 400 at an ISO of 320 to start then work out the best speed for your own use. Otherwise an excellent film.
(posted 9897 days ago)

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