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Fuji Neopan in ID-11

from Simon Foster (sfoster@netcomuk.co.uk)
Has anyone else had problems developing Neopan (specifically 1600 ASA) in ID-11 ? I've now done 6 films in a 1+1 solution, and every one has come out thin, with a slight sepia tone. I wondered if the dev times in the Ilford literature were crossed between 400 & 1600, as the 400 specifies a longer time (14 min) than 1600 (10 min), the opposite of what I would expect. I've also done a couple of 400's, and they looked a bit overdone, which tended to confirm my thoughts, but I've just done another 1600 for 14 min, with no improvement, and one in stock solution, again no better. Anybody any ideas ?, or can someone suggest an alternative dev. I'm going to try Microphen on a pushed film, but there's no time shown for this with a straight 1600.

Thanks in anticipation,

Simon Foster, UK

(posted 9523 days ago)

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