The sooner someone on the Mame Team can have a playback show the FPS for a recording instead of the FPS on the machine playing it back the better. This information would need to be embedded directly into the inp file in such a way as to make it near impossible to edit the information without breaking the recording.(posted 9467 days ago)Of course this still would not help with the auto-fire problem but as Krool has so rightly stated anyone who knows a game backwards can normally determine if someone is firing at a seemingly humanly impossible rate.
Juan - perhaps you'd care to advise what spec machine you're using, what FPS rate your recordings are done at and whether or not you're using an auto-fire.
Zwaxy - how's about you posting something to the Mame Dev's list-server suggesting that FPS rates are embedded into the inp files during recording and these figures are displayed during playback instead of the FPS actually being achieved on the machine doing the playback ?!